Entscheidung beim Pressefoto-Wettbewerb
18. Juni 2006, 21:35 Uhr | Aktuell

Prämiertes Foto von John Ferguson (Daily Mirror), Kategorie Entertainment
Der neue britische Pressefoto-Wettbewerb The Press Photographer’s Year ist entschieden. Ein Foto von Sean Smith (The Guardian) errang den Gesamtsieg. Eine sehenswerte Diashow zeigt die Gewinner aus den Kategorien Live News, News, News Features, Photo Essay, Portraits, The Arts, Business/Industry/Technology, Entertainment, Royals, Sports Action und Sports Features.
Zitat aus der Begründung: »The jury spent two very long days working through over 6,000 entries in both slideshow format, and as hard copies, laid out on the huge Olivier foyer floor at the National Theatre. Unlike any other competition you could have entered in the UK, every one of your entries was projected, photographic printed, and viewed by the named jury. A final edit of nearly 160 pictures has been made and 12 prizes have been awarded. What follows is that list and a web gallery of the complete edit that will appear in the book and exhibition.« (via Fotostoria)