Design-Workshop »Tooling Around« in Berlin

Anja Lutz von shift schreibt mir eben:

»Two young french graphic desi­gners (Kevin Donnot and Elise Gay) who are curr­ently working with me and ›shift!‹ are orga­ni­sing a one-day work­shop: Tooling Around invites all graphic desi­gners to chall­enge the use of the digital tools and to explore their trans­po­si­tion into our physical world.

The work­shop will take place on Saturday 26/06 at SystM gallery bar in Torstr. in Mitte. I attach the flyer with the infor­ma­tion for you (see above). Please make a reser­va­tion at if you want to parti­ci­pate in the work­shop or just come to the opening recep­tion in the evening. All the best, Anja.«

Eine aufre­gende, garan­tiert frucht­bare Initiative …

1 Kommentare

  1. vale

    for free? ;)

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<em>kursiv</em>   <strong>fett</strong>   <blockquote>Zitat</blockquote>
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