★ der Woche: Best of Newspaper Design 29 55,00 € 14,90 €

Die wich­tigste Information zu diesem Schnäppchen gleich vorweg: Wir haben nur 25 Exemplare von diesem Sonderangebot auf Lager. Und deshalb möchte ich die Werbetrommel jetzt gar nicht soooo laut rühren. Doch der Verlagstext in engli­scher Sprache muss es schon sein:

“The Best of Newspaper Design: 29th Edition, the latest edition in Rockport’s highly respected series, pres­ents the winning entries from the Society for News Design’s 2007 compe­ti­tion. Featuring work selected by a panel of judges from more than 14,000 inter­na­tional publi­ca­tion entries, this inspi­ra­tional volume sets the bar for excel­lence in jour­na­li­stic design. Bold, full-color layouts feature the best-of-the-best in news, features, port­fo­lios, visuals, and more, and each entry is accom­pa­nied by insightful commen­tary on the elements that made the piece a standout winner. Every industry profes­sional aspires to one day see his or her work in this book.

The Society for News Design has 2,200 members, inclu­ding student and profes­sional affi­liates in more than 50 count­ries, and publishes quar­terly, Design, as well as other publi­ca­tions. The orga­niza­tion also produces work­shops, books, and other media and resources on new media and infor­ma­tion design.”

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