5. Big Book of Layouts, nur 35,00 € 14,89 €

Der Editorial-Design-Klassiker … jetzt für die Hälfte: The Big Book of Layouts von David E. Carter, erschienen bei Harper Design. Restauflage … nur so lange Vorrat. Versandkostenfrei auf www​.font​blog​.de

Der Verlag schreibt über das 384-seitige Buch: “A coll­ec­tion of the latest layout designs and ideas for amateur and profes­sional graphic desi­gners. Organized so as to encou­rage crea­ti­vity, seren­di­pi­tous disco­very, and inspi­ra­tion. The Big Book of Layouts includes tech­ni­ques that can be used to enhance any layout. It provides insights into the elements that make layouts effec­tive. It covers a range of styles, from tradi­tional to cutting edge, that were selected to help desi­gners think more crea­tively and be more produc­tive. With more than 750 outstan­ding layouts featured in a robust visual gallery with detailed descrip­tive infor­ma­tion, this book provides a thorough look at what goes into an effec­tive layout design.”

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  1. Amanda

    Dieses Preis-Seiten-Verhältnis kann gar nicht schiefgehen.

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